Well, tomorrow morning Daniel and I are headed to Chicago. This is not a vacation, but more a scouting trip for us to check out our "new home." Yes, Daniel and I are moving to the Chicago area. What a shock for this Florida girl who has been transplanted in Texas for the past 8 years and who thinks anything under 70 degrees is just WRONG! I have never been to Chicago so I am looking forward to exploring the city even if it is cold, windy and rainy in the middle of April!
Daniel has been accepted to a PhD program at Trinity Divinity School and will be starting the program in January. He was originally accepted for the Fall semester, but there was one tiny problem. The first day of classes just happened to coincide with my due date! YIKES! Not exactly the perfect circumstances for a cross country move to a new city. So instead of causing his wife to go into a frenzy, my sweet husband petitioned to defer his start date until January and the program director in his infinite wisdom (knowing that a hormonal pregnant woman is a force to be reckoned with) approved his petition.
So, we are making the trip to check out the campus, meet with faculty and staff, and scout out areas where we may want to live. We are tentatively planning to move at the beginning of November.
Pictures to come next week.