Well, it is 3am and I am wide awake. Rather than continuing to toss and turn and disrupt Daniel's sleep, I am in the office reading other people's blogs and trying to figure out why I am not asleep. There is not much to do at 3am as there is not really anything worth watching on basic cable and although I am not tired, I cannot focus to read. Hmmm....
Daniel and I had a busy weekend this past weekend. Friday evening we joined a group of friends in celebrating our friend John Berry's birthday at Pappadeaux's. Saturday morning we had an early start as Daniel took the GRE and I met up with some friends to shop for a baby shower we are hosting. Saturday afternoon Daniel and I watched the Texas/OU Game. Hook 'em Horns! Saturday evening we drove out to Prosper, TX to attend a wedding shower in honor of our friends Sarah and Allon. We will be headed to Shreveport, LA in a few weeks to attend their wedding. Sunday morning, Daniel and I had a mini-date as we spent a little time at Starbuck's on our way to church. Then off to church we went for a good time of worship and fellowship. Sunday afternoon was filled with Daniel attending a meeting and I ran errands. Finally about 5pm we both were home and it was time for laundry and dinner.
All in all we had a great weekend. I was a little tired yesterday morning when that little annoying thing called an alarm clock went off, but it was worth it!
Well, perhaps I will attempt to catch some zzzzz's before it is time to start another day!